Can You Afford to Retire? This Can Help

By Brian Eller, on Thursday, May 16, 2024

The results of an extensive survey on retirement are in…

And the news isn’t good.

Eighty-two percent of respondents are worried they don’t have enough money to retire.

Perhaps you’re fearful, too.

If so, today I’ll reveal a simple step you can take to stop worrying — and to start boosting your retirement nest-egg.

Survey Says…

The results of a recent survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute and Greenwald Research are bleak:

Just eighteen percent of respondents said they felt “very confident” they’ll have enough money to make it through retirement.

In other words, eighty-two percent are worried they don’t have enough!

This is horrible. The last time people were so fearful was in 2008, during the Great Recession.

There are several reasons confidence is so low — from a lack of savings and increased personal debt, to a cost of living that seems to get more and more expensive every day.

But this leads us to another question:

How much do you actually need to retire?

This Is How Much You Really Need to Retire

Everyone’s situation is different…

But for simplicity’s sake, let’s say retirement lasts twenty to thirty years. And during that time, let’s assume you’ll need about $5,000 a month for housing, food, medical bills, and leisure.

How big of a nest egg do you need so it can churn out $5,000 per month?

The answer might surprise you: about one million dollars.

Keep in mind, we’re not talking about living in luxury here. You’ll need one million dollars just so you don’t run out of money.

I don’t know about you, but most folks I talk to every day don’t have a million dollars saved up.

In fact, according to 2023 data from Fidelity, the average 401(k) balance for 50-to-59 year olds — in other words, those getting close to retirement age — is $175,000.

That’s less than twenty percent of the million-dollar target.

Even more alarming, according to the Survey of Consumer Finances, as of 2022, nearly half of American households had zero retirement savings.

So, what can you do to build a million-dollar nest egg?

The Conventional Investment Path

To prepare for retirement, many people rely on the stock market.

Makes sense:

If you invest $1,000 a month into stocks for thirty years, and the market goes up by its historical average of six percent a year, after thirty years, you’d have one million dollars.

Unfortunately, there are two big problems with this calculation:

First, you might not have thirty years to save and grow your money.

And second, even if the market goes up by six percent a year, that doesn’t mean you’ll earn six percent a year. After taxes and fees, that six percent winds up being closer to three percent.

A Solution

The good news? There are solutions to this problem…

Including a solution that’s surprisingly straightforward:

Invest in startups.

Investing in startups can offer many significant benefits:

Market-Beating Returns — According to Cambridge Analytics, an advisor to institutions like The Rockefeller Foundation and Harvard University, investing in startups has returned an average of fifty-five percent annually over twenty-five years.

At that rate, a starting stake of $12,500 would turn into one million dollars in just ten years.

Diversification — Startups add diversification to your portfolio. This can help maximize your overall returns, while lowering your portfolio’s overall risk.

A Little Goes a Long Way — You don’t need to allocate much of your overall portfolio to startups. Even shifting just a tiny piece of it — say, 6 percent — can give you the chance to earn nearly 100% more on your money. Let me show you how the “math” works…

Running the Numbers

Using a traditional 60/40 stocks/bonds portfolio, let’s assume you’ll earn ten percent each year.

At that rate, in ten years, a $100,000 portfolio of stocks and bonds would grow into about $259,000. Not bad.

But what if you allocated six percent of your portfolio to startups? As it turns out, you’d get a sixty-seven percent boost in your returns.

So instead of earning ten percent a year, you’d earn 16.7%.

Over ten years, the portfolio with a six-percent allocation to startups would grow to $468,000 — nearly twice the size of a portfolio with only stocks and bonds.

How to Get Started

As you learned today, allocating just a tiny bit of your portfolio to startups can make the difference between never reaching your retirement goals, and reaching your goals with room to spare.

If you’re eager to learn more, here are two easy ways to get started for free:

First, look at our weekly “Deals” email. We send this out every Monday at 11am EST, and it contains a handful of new startup deals for you to explore.

Second, check out our free white papers like “Tips from the Pros.” These easy-to-ready reports will teach you how to separate the good deals from the bad.

Lastly, if you’re interested in accelerating your success with such investments, please call us at 844-311-3191 to learn about our premium research services!

Happy investing.

Best Regards,



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