How You Can Profit from These Three Famous Flops

Coca-Cola… Post-it Notes… Google…

A few examples of products that changed the world—and created billionaires in the process.

But for every world-changing invention, there are thousands of “flops” that never catch on.

The thing is, smart investors can learn quite a bit from these flops.

So today, I’ll review three…

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Tags: Early stage-investing Product

Get Paid To Eat at Your Favorite Restaurant

Last Saturday night, I went out with old friends to a classic downtown restaurant called Alta.

Alta specializes in Spanish “tapas”—small plates that are meant to be shared.

As always, Alta was packed, and over a few pitchers of sangria we started fantasizing about how amazing it would be to…

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Tags: Revenue sharing-deals

[Video] Military Technology Breakthrough

Meet Sally, Silicon Valley’s Weirdest Celebrity Chef

Sally will make you the most delicious and perfectly proportioned meal you’ve ever had. There’s just one thing a bit weird about her. She’s a robot »


You’re Being Overcharged for Your Uber!

Uber tells you what a trip will cost…

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Tags: Tesla Uber

Don't Fall for This Wall Street Scam

We’re going to play a game today…

It’s based on the TV game show, Let’s Make a Deal.

I’ll present you with a deal, and you decide if you’ll take it.

Ready? OK, here’s the deal:

Send me $10,000, and over the next few years, I’ll invest it for you.

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Tags: Mutual funds Retirement

Social Security: Bankrupt!?

Are you counting on Social Security to help fund your retirement?

If so, you could be in for a rude awakening.

You see, if you’re like most Americans, you’ve been led to believe that Social Security will provide for you once you stop working.

But here’s the thing:

Social Security…

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Tags: Social security

Eight Reasons Investors Are Backing Pot Start-ups

“Bro, I’m Going Rogue”

Guy Gentile is a Wall Street informant who double-crossed the F.B.I. “Remember the movie American Hustle?” he said. “It’s kind of like that, with way more dirt and twists.” Get your popcorn »


Your Internet Browsing History Is Now For Sale

The Senate just…

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Tags: Cars Pot start-ups

Better Than Bitcoin: 251% Profits in a Month

Last month, I published an article about bitcoin…

In particular, I explained that bitcoin had just reached an important milestone:

For the first time in its history, it had become more valuable than gold.

But in that same article, I told you how you might be able to cash in…

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Tags: Bitcoin Ethereum

Warning: Profits Slashed by 87%?!

Last week, I came across a new study that could have a major impact on your profits—and not the good kind of impact.

According to this report, your investment profits could get slashed by 87% (or even more) in the coming years.

Today, I’ll reveal the details of this disturbing…

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Tags: Buy low-sell-high

New FBI Database Revealed: Are You In It?

Elon Musk Is Scared Of Demons

Elon Musk, founder of Tesla and SpaceX, is famous for his risky and futuristic gambles. But lately he’s been running scared—and he thinks you should be scared, too. Here’s why »


[Video] But Will It Blow Up In Your Face?

In a…

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Tags: Elon musk Uber

The Secret to Predictable Profits

Whether you’re talking about investing in the stock market...

Investing in start-ups...

Or even founding your own start-up…

A simple rule can help you identify opportunities with the most profit potential...

In The Beginning...

A few years ago, right when Matt and I decided to launch Crowdability, we spent some…

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Tags: Contrarian Unconventional