5-Year-Old Wins a Lawsuit

Finally: A TV in a Suitcase

LG’s newest product is a high-definition television that comes in a suitcase. Think that sounds weird? Wait ‘til you see it »

Flying Aliens? Or Men with Jetpacks?

In Peru, locals are being visited by strange, aerial beings. Weird details here »

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Is the Cage-Match Off?

Beware of New “Friends”

If you use Facebook, you’re about to receive an onslaught of new friend requests. Be careful — these “friends” aren’t who you think they are. Get the scoop »

Who’s the Real Boogeyman?

When it comes to stealing sensitive personal information, China has become our…

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How is this worth $17.75 million?

My daughter just had her 2nd birthday, so I have time before she starts dating.

But I read something last week that got me thinking…

Paul Newman had a daughter named Nell. And Nell had a boyfriend. 

One day, Newman decided to give Nell’s boyfriend a present. But the present…

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Tags: Auctions Collectibles

America’s Best Bathroom

Forget Netflix — Here Comes NASA

There’s already Netflix, Hulu, Max, and dozens of other streaming services. But now a new one’s coming — and it will feature content that’s truly out of this world. Get the details »

Can These Kids Predict the Future?

Vice Magazine asked a…

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Will the Government Protect Your Privacy — or Invade it?

The Fight Against Alzheimer’s Hits a Turning Point

A new discovery in the fight against one of the world’s most terrible afflictions has scientists jumping for joy. Some are even calling it “potentially life changing.” Learn why »

ChatGPT Has an Evil Twin

You’ve probably heard of ChatGPT, the…

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Reverse Aging? Harvard/MIT Scientists Now Say It’s Possible

Time to Buy Apple Stock?

Apple’s already a three-trillion-dollar company. Could its stock rise even higher? Given this new patent, it sure might »

A Bucket of Paint Could Reverse Climate Change

Many believe dramatic steps are needed to reverse the effects of climate change. But perhaps all that’s…

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