Live Forever — And Get Rich at the Same Time?

I like to think I treat everyone fairly. And I’m not someone who holds a grudge.

But as I was reminded this morning, I have a life-long enemy.

No matter what I do, I just can’t seem to make things right between us.

So today, I’d like to tell you…

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Tags: Gerostate Startups

Your Private Thoughts — Sold to the Highest Bidder

Is “Smell-o-Vision” Possible?

Virtual Reality lets you use your eyes to escape into alternate worlds. But can this technology activate your other senses, too? Find out from the experts here »

For the Perfect Cyber Crime, Use a Fish Tank

Stop me if this sounds fishy: hackers infiltrated a…

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Tags: Game boy Neuralink

Full Year of Profits — in One DAY!

Yesterday, Matt showed you a simple trick for dramatically increasing your chances of earning profits of 1,000% or more.

Well, today I’ll be sticking with the same theme, but with one key difference:

I’ll show you a way you could make huge returns in no time at all.

In fact,…

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Tags: Profits Stocks

How to Use the Simple "10x Your Money" Rule

When Wayne and I first launched Crowdability, we dove into a deep research project.

Our goal? To identify a proven process for picking successful startup investments.

Over the course of a year or so, we sat down with more than three dozen of the most successful startup investors in the…

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Tags: Startups Valuation

Uber's Weed-Delivery Plans

Be Like Luke Skywalker

The Lightsaber, famous from the “Star Wars” film franchise, is one of the coolest movie weapons of all-time. But it couldn’t exist in the real world. Or could it? »

Google Is Such a Nag — It’s for Your Own Good

I know it’s not…

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Tags: Google Uber

No. 1 Source of "Overnight" Profits

Coinbase, one of the world’s leading trading platforms for digital currencies, went public yesterday… and its early investors are thrilled.

You see, even though its stock (COIN) traded down a bit, Coinbase’s earliest investors — those who got in when it was still a tiny private startup — are sitting…

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Tags: Acquisitions Coinbase

From $3 to $900 — Here's the Next One

“It’s different this time.”

For investors, those words have caused a lot of black eyes over the years. But they do point to a fundamental truth in the investment world:

Timing is everything!

So today, let me tell you why the timing might finally be right for one specific sector.

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Tags: Cleantech Startups

[Warning] Don't Download this "System Update"

Finally, Tech Support You Can Count on

When we moved into a new place, it was a tech catastrophe. TVs needed hanging; wireless networks needed to be created; Dots and Echos and Alexas needed to be set up. Who could we call to sort everything out? Best Buy. Learn…

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Tags: Coffee Zoom

Worried about the market? Do this…

We’re still in the midst of a global pandemic…

And yet — stocks recently hit new all-time highs!

The Dow topped 33,000, the S&P broke 4,000, and the Nasdaq is just a few points away from an eye-popping 14,000.

This is great news for investors. But if you’re anything like…

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Tags: Real estate Startups

Government Scientists Build "Mind-Control" Device

In the 1970s, scientists started drilling into peoples’ skulls.

Their goal was to create a mind-control device, or as they called it, a brain-computer interface.

Such devices were used for medical purposes — for example, to regulate tremors in Parkinson’s patients, or to restore movement in paralyzed people.

But now…

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Tags: Mind control Mindportal