Amazon Is Helping the Police Spy on You

If You’re Bald, You Know Just How This Feels

During a soccer match, a new technology was supposed to track the ball as it moved across the field. Instead, the tech got distracted by a different kind of round, shiny object. Find out what happened »

No More Lines!…

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Tags: Amazon Soccer

Explosive Small-Cap Profits

As Matt explained yesterday…

If you want all the upside potential of an early-stage startup investment…

With almost none of the drawbacks…

Then small-cap tech stocks are a fantastic option.

In fact, a major study from the University of Chicago found that small-caps outperformed large-caps by a huge margin, and…

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Tags: Profits Small caps

Revealed: "Publicly-Traded Startups"

In this column last Wednesday, I introduced you to the “perfect” investment: startups.

The following day, however, Wayne revealed some of the pitfalls of these deals.

So today, I’m going to up the ante:

I’ll show you how you could earn the 1,000%+ returns that startups offer — with none…

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Tags: Small caps Startups

Warning: This Is Cyber Criminals' New Method of Attack

Would You Live in This 3D-Printed Apartment?

The real estate market is crazy right now, so it can be challenging to find a new spot. But here’s a listing that’s hot off the presses — literally. Check it out here »

Beautiful Drive-In Restaurants Are Coming To Your Town

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Tags: Elon musk Nasa

The Truth Behind 200,000% Returns

Historically, investing in private startups has helped investors earn astronomical returns.

For instance, Facebook’s first private investor made 200,000% when it eventually IPO’d. That’s enough to turn $1,000 into $2 million — with just one investment!

But not all private deals will be so successful. And furthermore, such investments come…

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Tags: Investing Startups

The Perfect Investment

Finding winning investments is tough. It’s true.

But just for a moment, imagine the perfect investment. An investment where:

  • You’re guaranteed to get in at the lowest price.
  • You can invest for as little as $100.
  • And that one tiny investment gave you a shot at earning a major…

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Tags: Profits Startups

Taking LSD Could Help Your Career

The Scariest Movie Ever — According to Science

The Exorcist? Poltergeist? Friday the 13th? What’s the scariest movie of all time? Well, just in time for Halloween, science finally has an answer. The scariest movie ever is… »

Teenager Discovers Potential Cure for Covid-19

Top scientists are racing to…

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Tags: Halloween Lsd

Earn $10,249 a Year in FREE "Crypto Income"

Last December, I wrote to you about a new way to make money with cryptos.

It didn’t involve risking your money on high-risk crypto tokens. Instead, it was a way to earn safe, consistent income — for FREE — month after month.

In fact, as I’ll explain today, if you’d…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Helium

This Is a $103 Billion Profit Opportunity

Investors in private startups pocketed a fortune last quarter…

According to a report released last week, they took home $103.9 billion.

That’s a record high — and as you’re about to learn, those profits are expected to keep flowing.

So today, I’ll show you why this is happening…

And then…

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Tags: Ma activity Startups

These Dogs Wear Augmented-Reality Goggles

Amazon Is Watching You at Home

For years, Amazon has been listening to what goes on in your home. Now it wants to watch what happens, too. Get the scoop »

Man Makes $4,280 “Butt Dial”

Dr. Ali Vaziri unknowingly made a $4,280 purchase with his smartphone. The scary…

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Tags: Amazon Augmented reality