Do NOT Buy Another Pot Stock!

2019 is on track to be the biggest year ever for the marijuana market.

You might be tempted to start picking up shares of popular pot stocks.

But until you read today’s article, hold off from making any investments in this market.

As you’ll learn, not only could you invest…

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Tags: 3 step-cycle Marijuana

Marijuana Goes Mainstream

As we’ve been revealing for the past week, investors can make enormous gains in emerging industries…

And it all revolves around this dead simple chart:

This is the 3-Phase market cycle that every emerging market follows.

As Matt…

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Tags: 3 step-cycle Marijuana

Scientists Rediscover How to Cheat Death

This “Fake” Rock Star Fills the Biggest Venues

Last week, fans came out in droves to listen to a singer named Luo Tianyi perform on stage. Tianyi is a rising star. Perhaps surprisingly, she’s not even real »

These Five-Star Chefs Will Come to Your Kitchen

Forget about slaving…

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Tags: 3d printing Amazon

The Secret to Unlocking Millions in the Marijuana Market

Wall Street’s been lying to you!

Put-to-call ratios, head-and-shoulder patterns, earnings growth, Fed policy…

For years, Wall Street brokers have been filling your head with these complicated signals.

But signals like these are hogwash.

As we revealed yesterday, if you want to generate big, consistent profits, you simply need to…

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Tags: 3 step-cycle Marijuana

Silicon Valley is Dead (why this is good news for you)

For decades now, Silicon Valley has been the epicenter of ultra-profitable start-up investments.

Thousands of companies have set up shop in this tiny corner of the country — and they’ve delivered enormous returns to their earliest investors.

But that’s all about to change.

You see, Silicon Valley’s stranglehold on start-up…

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Tags: New york-city Silicon valley

The "Popeye" Profit Strategy

Bugs Bunny… Porky Pig… Elmer Fudd… Speedy Gonzales… Road Runner.

Growing up, these were some of my favorite cartoon characters.

But my all-time favorite was someone else:


Popeye was gruff but likeable, and occasionally he was brilliant, solving problems that even the local police or scientific community couldn’t figure…

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Tags: Agriculture tech Spinach