Warning: Tech Start-ups are Vanishing!

Goldman Sachs just published a report that has private market investors terrified.

Once you see what it discovered, you’ll probably get scared too...

In fact, you might even be tempted to pull your money out of tech stocks and unsubscribe from the Crowdability newsletter.

But as we’ll explain today, that…

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Tags: Ico Unicorns

One in Five of These Investments is a SCAM!

Although most cryptos have experienced a pullback over the past few weeks, one corner of the crypto market continues to shine: ICOs.

ICOs, short for Initial Coin Offerings, continue to be one of the most profitable ways to invest in crypto-currencies.

For instance, while Bitcoin is down by about 50%…

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Tags: Ico Initial coin-offering

Scientists Create Revolutionary Hangover Cure

Be Careful What You Say Around Alexa  

A woman in Portland was having a private conversation at home with her husband. Little did she know her smart home assistant was recording the conversation — and would send it to her husband’s colleague. Yikes! »

This Robot Can…

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Tags: Amazon Robots

The REAL Reason This Billionaire Hates Bitcoin

A well-known billionaire recently joined the chorus of crypto-currency naysayers...

And unlike prior “crypto haters” like J.P. Morgan’s CEO, Jamie Dimon (who clearly had an axe to grind), this billionaire presents himself as “unbiased.”

That’s why his negative comments are having such a big impact on crypto prices, including Bitcoin’s…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Warren buffett

Why This Stock Going to $0 is Good News for You

At Crowdability, Wayne and I help you earn big gains from exciting investments like start-ups and crypto-currencies.

But we also do something else:

We aim to protect you — especially by helping you steer clear of investments that are “too good to be true” or downright scams.

So today, I’d…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Penny stocks

The Dow is Dead (where to earn BIG returns now)

Corporate earnings are at record highs...

Unemployment rates are at record lows...

And our administration recently passed a sweeping tax reform.

Theoretically, things couldn’t be better — but the stock market is floundering.

Since January 1st, the S&P and the Nasdaq are flat…

And as of today, the Dow is…

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Tags: Ipo Stock market

Guaranteed Access to "2018's Biggest Biotech IPO"

Investing in biotech companies has made a lot of people very wealthy.

And it’s easy to see why:

Over the years, shares of big names like Merck have skyrocketed from just a dollar or two to $60 or more.

And meanwhile, recent IPOs for young biotech companies like Clovis, Nektar,…

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Tags: Biotech Ipo

Time to Dump Starbucks Stock?

Your Flying Taxi Has Arrived

For years, Uber’s been dreaming of a world where taxis could fly. A few days ago, its dream finally arrived. Get your first look right here »

From Liking and Poking to Wining and Dining

Facebook is getting more social than ever. Earlier this…

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Tags: Google Starbucks

What Steve Jobs Taught Me About Investing

Steve Jobs — expert investor?

There’s little debate that Jobs was a visionary technologist:

He earned that status as the Founder of Apple and movie studio Pixar, and as the creator of everything from the first graphical PC to the iPhone.

But as I’ve come to learn, Jobs was also…

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Tags: Cancer Steve jobs