Earn $19,000 While You Sleep

The CEO of Apple Hates His iPhone

The newest gizmos and gadgets used to be reserved for the super-rich. But surprisingly, wealthy consumers today are starting to boycott these devices. Click here to find out why »

Facebook Owes You Money

Tech giants like Facebook work hard to get…

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Tags: Facebook Nasa

Scientists Rediscover How to Cheat Death

This “Fake” Rock Star Fills the Biggest Venues

Last week, fans came out in droves to listen to a singer named Luo Tianyi perform on stage. Tianyi is a rising star. Perhaps surprisingly, she’s not even real »

These Five-Star Chefs Will Come to Your Kitchen

Forget about slaving…

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Tags: 3d printing Amazon

New Test Can Pinpoint How Long You'll Live

"Alexa, Is My Husband Having an Affair?"

If you suspect that your husband or wife might be straying, there’s no need to go snooping. Just ask Alexa »

Pictures Reveal Russia’s Secret “Mach 7” Spacecraft

News agency RIA Novosti just published images of a hypersonic Russian spacecraft that can…

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Tags: Alexa Apple

Amazon Is for Sale

The Latest Craze in Romance: Refriger-Dating

A new dating app sends you "matches" based on the contents of their fridge. Huh, so it really is what's on the inside that counts. Get the scoop here »

Google Owes You Money

Every day, just by surfing the Internet, you give…

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Tags: Amazon Google