New Blockbuster Product: Marijuana Beer

Why Is Amazon Breaking into Cars?

Amazon just keeps coming up with new ways to help reduce your daily inconveniences. Now it’s figured out how to keep your deliveries safe. It just needs to get into your car… »

“I felt like a snake was slithering down my back!”

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Tags: Amazon Craft beer

Warning: This Daily Habit Could Give You Cancer

Would You Drive Across this 3D-Printed Bridge?

It spans 40 feet, is made entirely of steel, and has built-in sensors to monitor traffic in real-time. It looks amazing — but would you trust it with your life? »

This Simple Device Can Save You from a Shark Attack


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Tags: Apple watch Coffee

Plane Drops $368 Million from the Sky

Why Is Google in Your Bathroom?

Some say Google’s recent decision to invite itself into your bathroom is horrifying. But this invasion of privacy could actually save your life. To learn why, click here »

Guess this $2.3 Billion Sport…

A beautiful new multi-million dollar stadium is being constructed…

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Tags: Google Iphone

Wow! U.S. Military Declassifies Footage of UFO

Dating by DNA

A new start-up is taking an interesting approach to help find your one true love. All you need to do is provide a sample of your DNA. Could your genes lead you to happily-ever-after? »

How to Use Sugar as Rocket Fuel

“How much sugar would…

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Tags: 3d printing Dna

Breakthrough: Take One Pill, Never Exercise Again

This Burger Flipper Charges $60,000

For decades, flipping burgers at the local fast food joint has been a classic minimum-wage job. So why is this $60,000 burger flipper in such high demand? »

[VIDEO] Rubik’s Cube Solved in Under One Second

I can solve a Rubik’s Cube in about…

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Tags: Apple Robots

Confused About Bitcoin? This 11-Year-Old Can Help

This Company Could Kill Facebook

Have you heard of Vero? It’s a mobile app where users share photos, music, and movies. Vero launched in 2015, but this week, it skyrocketed to the App Store’s top spot. Find out why this app could become the most popular social media platform…

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Tags: Bitcoin Vero

Turn $100 into $76,981 With One Investment

Turn $100 into $76,981 With One Investment

This has nothing to do with stocks or crypto-currencies — and it’s far different than the typical start-up investments we recommend at Crowdability.

This is unlike anything we’ve seen before. It’s a chance for regular, everyday investors to add anywhere from $76,981…

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Tags: Amazon Most profitable-investments-ever