Unlock $144,000 in "Hidden Income"

Matt updated you yesterday on one of the biggest stories of the decade…

But it’s getting almost no coverage from the mainstream news.

You see, the U.S. Social Security system is on the verge of going BANKRUPT.

For tens of millions of people, this is a catastrophe. They’ll be left…

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Tags: Income Retirement

Pot-Stock Renaissance

It’s been a while since we covered pot stocks.

The fact is, after the sector surged several years ago, excitement about it died down during the Trump years.

But now — with a new administration in D.C., more states slated to legalize cannabis, and the idea of federal legalization gaining…

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Tags: Cannabis Startups

Wow, No Cow — But Milk These Profits

“Terrible.” “Inescapable.” “Weird.”

That’s how people on Twitter described Oatly’s Superbowl commercial.

In case you don’t know, Oatly makes oat milk, a plant-based milk alternative made from oats. And its commercial stood out because, well, it was so bad.

The ad (you can see it here) features the company’s…

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Tags: Beyond meat Startups

$5 Billion in Direct Profits

Psst. Check this out. I’ve got a $5 billion secret for you.

To explain what it is, let me start by showing you three companies:

Casper, Warby Parker, and Dollar Shave Club.

A few years ago, they were tiny startups, worth next to nothing.

But as I write this column…

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Tags: Republic Startups

The Biden Profit Blueprint

With the post-election drama behind us, we finally feel comfortable looking to the future.

We’re finally ready to consider the impact the new administration will have on the markets — and most importantly, the impact it’ll have on specific sectors and investments.

Based on President Biden’s first full week in…

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Tags: Alternative energy Joe biden

Scared? You Should Be

The stock market is trading at dizzying heights right now.

According to a new study from Goldman Sachs, it’s at the most expensive levels in history.

Scared about a bubble? Terrified of a crash? Based on Goldman’s data, you should be.

Your natural reaction might be to bury your head…

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Tags: Nest egg Stock market

Retire with One Investment?

Yesterday, Matt laid out his “doomsday” scenario for the economy, the market, and your retirement plans.

But even if you think the worst-case scenario won’t happen, one thing is clear:

The stock market is no longer the growth engine it once was. I mean, with all the headwinds we’re facing…

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Tags: Private market Profits

This is Your Doomsday Warning

President-elect Joe Biden is walking into a minefield.

And no, I’m not referring to security risks at his inauguration today…

I’m referring to the minefield that’s threatening all of us:

A stock market that’s untethered from reality.

You see, despite bad news from every direction — the coronavirus, inflation, unemployment,…

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Tags: Joe biden Stock market

Follow this rule for 1,000% returns…

Startups are a strange animal.

Even though they have the potential to hand investors like you life-changing profits…

They also have a high probability of failing.

Makes sense. After all, startups are new enterprises searching for a profitable business model.

The thing is, identifying a profitable business model can take…

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Tags: Early stage-investing Startups