Your Second Chance at 536% Gains

On September 12, 2014, a robotics start-up called ReWalk went public.

By the end of the day, Crowdability readers like you who’d invested in ReWalk when it was still private were sitting on estimated gains of 536%.

But I’m not telling you this to make you jealous…

I’m telling you…

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Tags: Mini ipo Rewalk

[Photos] NSA’s Spy Hub in NYC

Google Glass is Baaaack

Remember those wearable glasses from Google? The ones that never caught on because they were super weird looking? Lucky you: a new version of them is coming—but this time they’ll be from Apple. See you there »


Domino’s Delivers By Drone

A couple from…

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Tags: Drones Peter thiel

How To Beat the Pros in 2017

You’re just 30 days away from being part of a major milestone:

As reported in Forbes, Crowdfunding is about to be bigger than Venture Capital.

As we close in on this historic event, more and more everyday investors like you are jumping into the water—and more investment opportunities are popping…

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Tags: Equity crowdfunding Indiegogo

Health Danger Alert: Virtual Reality

This Start-Up Can Control Your Dreams

Five years ago, a young man dropped out of a Ph.D. program and created a sophisticated device that you wear while you sleep. The device, which costs $300, claims it can help you to take control of your dreams »


Use This…

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Tags: Apple Virtual reality

The Best Investment I Ever Made

We often write about the extraordinary returns you could make in early-stage investing.

And while investing in the private markets tends to be more profitable than investing in stocks, it’s not the most profitable investment I ever made.

Today, I want to tell you the story of my most profitable…

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Tags: Education Investing Warren buffett

2017 IPO Alert

By this time next year, we’re predicting a flurry of IPO activity.

And I’m not talking about small IPOs. I’m talking about tech IPOs from Uber, Airbnb, and Snapchat. Multi-billion dollar offerings.

IPOs like this can create enormous wealth—especially for the investors who get in prior to the IPO.


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Tags: Gsvc Sharespost 100-fund

Government Insiders Are Piling Into This Tiny Company

Most folks don’t know this, but the U.S. military has played a key role in the development of America’s technology sector.

During the “space race” of the 1960s, for example, the Department of Defense backed a start-up called Fairchild Semiconductor.

Fairchild produced a…

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Shocking Study: Facebook Users Live Longer

Thank You, Amazon

Matthew Weiner, the creator of Mad Men (and former writer and producer of The Sopranos) has a new gig. Amazon just committed $70 million for his new TV series. Prepare to binge watch »


The Changing Colors of Leaves

Across the U.S., leaves are changing…

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Tags: Amazon Facebook

Follow These (Profit) Leaders

When it comes to finding the most profitable early-stage investments, you’ve really got your work cut out for you.

As I explained last week it’s been shown that you need to do at least 40 hours of research on every investment—whether you decide to invest or not.

But as…

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Tags: Early stage-investing Start up-investments