Get in Early on a $6 Trillion Market

There were two major parties in New York City last weekend.

The first was my son’s 4th birthday, which featured a magician named Don Domino and a Spiderman piñata.

The second (and the one that’s relevant to my article today) was Earth Day.

Earth Day is a worldwide celebration that’s…

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Tags: Earth day Environment

RIP Netflix

All Hail the Rat Czar!

Rats are a serious problem in the Big Apple. Good thing New York City just brought in an expert to handle the situation. Get the details »

VHS Tape Sells for Nearly Thirty Grand

Vintage collectables like watches and baseball cards can bring about…

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Tags: Netflix Rat czar

The REAL Secret to Investing Success

Whether you’re talking about investing in the stock market...

Investing in startups...

Or even founding your own startup…

One simple rule can help you identify the opportunities with the most profit potential — and today I’ll tell you what it is.

In the Beginning...

Several years ago, right when Matt…

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Tags: Secret Startups

Beware: Do NOT Invest in this Awesome Startup

A few weeks ago, a startup set out to raise capital from investors like you.

It quickly raised $100,000… $1 million… $5 million.

And now, with just 24 hours left to invest in it, it’s raised about $8 million.

Clearly, this opportunity has caught investors’ attention.

So why am I…

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Tags: Startups Substack

Less Baseball = Less Beer?!

The FBI Says Be Aware of “Juice Jacking”

Your personal data is once again at risk, this time by a new tactic known as “juice jacking.” What the heck is it? »

He Didn’t Get Hired as an Intern, So He Built a Billion-Dollar Company

Seventeen years ago,…

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Tags: Beer Walmart

Make 600% Returns — Without Touching Stocks

Here at Crowdability, Matt and I like to keep a low profile.

For the past several years, we’ve quietly been teaching ordinary investors like you how to make a fortune by investing in startups.

Sure, professional venture capitalists in Silicon Valley might not like that we’re encroaching on their turf.…

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Tags: Startups Wefunder

Join the 1% — Invest in Mick Jagger

Did you know Andy Warhol and Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones were great buddies?

It’s true.

Warhol even designed the cover for the Stones’ 1971 album, Sticky Fingers.

But I’m not writing today to tell you about a bromance between two stars.

Instead, I’m here to tell you about…

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Tags: Art Mick jagger

How the Rich Pay ZERO Taxes (and how you can too)

A couple of years ago, ProPublica published a shocking report…

It managed to get its hands on 25 years’ worth of tax returns for some of the wealthiest investors in the world. And what it discovered is almost unbelievable:

  • In 2007, Jeff Bezos paid zero income taxes.
  • In 2018,…

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Tags: Secret stock Taxes

Buy Chevrolet for 6,250% Returns?

2022 was a tough year for investors.

The S&P was down 19.64%.

The Nasdaq tumbled 33.47%

Bitcoin crashed 60%.

But one group of investors was UP last year. In fact, they were up 25%.

Can you guess what they invested in?

I’ll give you a hint: they invested in the…

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Tags: Alternative investments Cars