Amazon (AMZN) Trading for $1.50!?

Imagine being able to hop into a time machine and head back to 1996, the dawn of the Internet.

You’d be able to pick up Apple stock when it was trading at just $0.25 a share…

Or shares of Amazon when it was trading at just $1.50 a share. That…

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Tags: Equity bee Startups

How the Rich Plan to Stay Rich in 2023

Are the rich really so different from everyone else?

After all, we all put on our pants one leg at a time. And no one’s immune to nuisances like the common cold or hangovers.

But in at least one important way, the rich really are different.

Today, I’ll explain how…

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Tags: 2023 Alternative assets

For Safer Driving, Add Big Goofy Eyes to Your Car

Maybe Aliens are Getting High

Do aliens really exist? To find out, scientists at University of California, Riverside are suggesting we search the skies for a certain “party drug.” Let the search begin »

Beware of Facebook’s New Browser

Facebook is testing out its own internet browser. It claims…

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Tags: Facebook Italy

The Perfect “Real-Estate Recession” Investment?

Real Estate can be a fantastic asset class.

Not only does it give you the potential to earn big gains as property values increase… but it also gives you the opportunity to earn ongoing income.

But given the environment today — high real estate prices, sky-high mortgage rates, a strong…

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Tags: Arrived Real estate

Did You Make 843x Your Money on this EV Startup?

A few weeks ago, an electric vehicle company called Atlis went public.

Atlis has built some powerful technology. For example, its EV pickup truck can be fully charged in just 15 minutes. And its battery packs have a range of up to 500 miles.

But I’m not writing about Atlis…

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Tags: Atlis Evs

Crazy New Tech: A Big Yellow School Bus with Wings

[Video] The Battle of the Bots!

Tesla just unveiled its humanoid robot. But how does it compare to the life-like robot Boston Dynamics has been developing? See for yourself »

“Ice Bucket Challenge” Leads to a Potentially Game-Changing Drug

Remember the “Ice Bucket Challenge”? It aimed to raise awareness…

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Tags: Amazon Tesla

Should You Invest in this “$500 Venture Fund”?

Venture capital funds are basically like mutual funds for startups…

And they’ve become one of the hottest and most exclusive investments on the planet.

Many top funds boast returns that trounce the market, and even outperform Warren Buffett. That’s why it’s so difficult for even the wealthiest investors to grab…

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Tags: Ark venture Cathie wood

13 Reasons Now’s the Time to Invest in Startups

When it comes to investing, timing is everything.

But in 2022, timing’s been awful. War, record inflation, an impending recession — for most investors, things couldn’t get much worse.

So why is legendary investor Bill Gurley saying now’s a great time to invest in startups?

Let’s take a look…


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Tags: 14 reasons Startups

Darth Vader Just Joined a Startup

This Happy Meal Is NOT for Kids

Kids have been enjoying Happy Meals from McDonald’s for decades. But sorry, kiddies. McDonald’s latest Happy Meal is for adults only. Get the scoop »

A Wheel Spontaneously Rolled Uphill — Wait, What?!

We didn’t think the wheel needed reinventing. Then…

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Tags: Amazon Star wars

R.I.P. Silicon Valley (1956 – 2022)

Ever since 1956, when Shockley Transistor Corporation set up shop in Mountain View, California, Silicon Valley has been the epicenter of early-stage tech startups…

And in turn, the epicenter for ultra-profitable tech startup investments.

Thousands of companies have launched in this tiny corner of the U.S. — and many of…

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Tags: Silicon valley Startups