This Bagel Is Worth $166,500

My brother can’t find a good bagel.

In the grand scheme of things, this isn’t a threat to our civilization.

But still, he’s a good kid, and he deserves a good bagel.

The problem is, he used to live in New York City, home of the best bagels on earth.…

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Tags: Goldbelly Startups

The "Google Killer" (How to Profit)

If often seems like Google, Facebook, and Amazon are unstoppable.

These three giants accounted for an estimated 65% of U.S. digital ad spending last year — and for the companies and their shareholders, that led to billions in profits.

But recently, the “dirty little secret” about how they actually earn…

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Tags: Brave Google

Amazon Can't Stop Spying on You

Defend Your Home with Glitter Bombs

“Porch thieves” love swiping packages from your doorstep. But now there’s a creative way to fight back. Get the scoop »

Use This AI Technology to Land a Promotion

Remember the name “Nemesysco.” It’s an Artificial Intelligence startup. And its technology might very…

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Tags: Amazon Virtual reality

3 Cryptos Set to Soar

As Matt explained yesterday, we’re in the midst of a massive crypto bull market right now…

And prices are up across the board.

Bitcoin, for example, has jumped by 7.5x in just six months. And all of our research points to its price going much, much higher in the near…

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Tags: Bull market Cryptos

3 New Plays for 1,300%+ Potential Returns

Your bank is FREAKING OUT right now.

For the first time in nearly 200 years, it’s facing an existential threat.

Because of a recent development in the crypto sector, billions of dollars in bank profits are at risk of being wiped out forever.

For banks, this is terrifying.

But as…

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Tags: Defi Lending

Could We Regrow Our Body Parts?

$50 Million in Sales — For a Camper that Doesn’t Even Exist

Tesla is building the RV of the future. Excitement is so high, this new camper has already brought in $50 million in sales — and it doesn’t even exist yet. See what all the fuss is about…

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Tags: Jetpacks Tesla

Will the Crypto Bull Market Last?

Even if you’re not investing in cryptos right now, you’ve probably seen the headlines:

  • Crypto exchange Coinbase (COIN) just went public and is now worth $50 billion.
  • Bitcoin and Ethereum continue to hit new all-time highs.
  • And “alt coins” like Dogecoin are now worth more than major companies including…

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Tags: Bitcoin Crypto

How To Score Big Profits from "Bad Ideas"

Last month, a widely ridiculed startup went public.

For years, people called it a “bad idea.” Initially, even the founder himself seemed skeptical: when he was looking for teammates to join him, he called his efforts a “hail mary.”

But despite all these red flags, its earliest private investors ended…

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Tags: Bad ideas Startups

"Makin' Whoopee" Will Be Amazing in Outer Space

Microsoft is Hiring — No Experience Required!

Want a job with one of the world’s biggest tech companies? Historically, you needed extensive technical skills. Not anymore »

Take the “Impossible Shot Challenge”

Drones have captured some of the most breathtaking photos in history. Think you can do better? Here’s…

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Tags: Microsoft Zoom

R.I.P. Silicon Valley (1956 – 2021)

Ever since 1956, when Shockley Transistor Corporation first opened up shop in Mountain View, California, Silicon Valley has been the epicenter of early-stage tech startups…

And in turn, the epicenter for ultra-profitable startup investments.

Thousands of companies have set up shop in this tiny corner of the country — and…

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Tags: Silicon valley Startups