[Video] Don't Check into a Hotel 'Til You've Seen This

Florida To Release 750 Million Mosquitoes

Florida just approved a controversial plan to release nearly a billion gene-hacked mosquitoes. Some are calling it a “Jurassic Park experiment.” See for yourself »

Amazon Wants to Know How Much You Weigh

The market for smart wearables is dominated by Apple and…

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Tags: Amazon Jurassic park

Earn 1,000% Returns When the Market Crashes

The market has rallied from its March lows. But it’s still highly volatile.

And with 30 million Americans out of work and unemployment claims still rising, the market’s next move will likely be down, down, down.

If you have a chunk of money tied up in stocks, this could be…

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Tags: Profits Stock market

95% of Takeover Deals Have This in Common

Startup investors made a fortune last month.

To get things rolling, Uber bought Postmates for $2.6 billion. That handed early investors an estimated 520x their money.

The profits continued when solar-company Sunrun bought Vivint for $1.5 billion…

And when Lululemon bought home-fitness startup Mirror for $500 million.

Welcome to the…

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Tags: Ma Profits

The Secret iPod Apple Made for the Gov't

Speakeasies are Back!

During Prohibition, underground bars allowed people to secretly enjoy a cocktail. These days, a new kind of speakeasy is popping up — but it’s not the beverages patrons are after. It’s this »

The World’s Most Expensive Face Mask

If face masks are going to be…

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Tags: Ipod Speakeasy

3 Startup Profit Secrets from Peter Lynch

The paperback book came flying at me like a drunk bird.

It hit my chest and dropped to my lap.

“Read it,” said the short-tempered money manager (and book-thrower) who’d been interviewing me for a job on Wall Street. “Then we’ll talk.”

So I read the book.

And a few…

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Tags: Peter lynch Profits

Jeff Bezos: Giving Money Away?

You probably know who Jeff Bezos is. He’s the founder of Amazon.com.

And with a net worth of $188 billion, he’s the richest man in the world.

The thing is, we’ve found a way to take some cash out of his bank account...

And put it into yours!

“Hey Jeff,…

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Tags: Jeff bezos Profits

Inside One of the CIA's Most Daring Missions

This Abandoned Car Sold for Nearly $1 Million

A couple paid $100 for an abandoned car they found in a storage unit. Then Elon Musk bought it from them — for nearly $1 million. Here’s why »

You’ve Never Seen an Airbnb Like This

Someone decided to transform the…

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Tags: Airbnb Cia

Introducing: The Lifetime Income Card

With negotiations for a coronavirus stimulus package still deadlocked in Congress…

Many Americans have high hopes for Trump’s “executive order.”

Could this order put some quick money in your pocket?

Today I’ll answer that question for you.

Then I’ll introduce you to an alternative solution…

As you’ll learn, this alternative…

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Tags: Lifetime income Trump

Monthly Income… for LIFE!?

Will the U.S. government come to the rescue with a new stimulus package?

Is the check in the mail?

As Wayne and I explained last week, Congress has been trying to pass a relief package. Unfortunately, negotiations are still deadlocked.

So today, I’ll introduce you to a different way to…

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Tags: Income Lifetime income

U.S. Military: "Bring in the Terminator"

Facebook Goes Nuclear

TikTok could soon be acquired by Microsoft. That’s why Facebook just launched a platform aimed at crushing TikTok once and for all. Let the battle begin »

Elon Musk’s Secret Underground Tunnel

A new theory says Elon Musk is digging a tunnel between Los Angeles and…

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Tags: Elon musk Tiktok