Dow Headed for 6,000!?

Over the past two weeks, the market has plummeted by more than 600 points. It’s not hard to see why:

  • A sitting President has been impeached.
  • The Wuhan coronavirus is turning into a global public health emergency.
  • And given that we’re experiencing the longest-running bull market in history, the…

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Tags: Capstone Dow

3 Simple Ways To Earn Double-Digit Yields

My bank is the worst.

It holds onto my hard-earned money and gives me close to nothing in return: just one-tenth of 1% interest on my savings account.

If your bank is anything like mine, you’re probably in the same position.

But you don’t have to take this anymore…


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Tags: Income Yields

U.S. Gov't Is Trying To Break Into Your Phone

With this Technology, You Can Scale Walls Like Spider-Man

Researchers in China have developed technology that literally lets you scale walls. See it in action here »

Your Fitness Tracker Is Lying To You

Millions of Americans wear Apple watches and Fitbits to monitor their physical activity. But as…

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Tags: Fitness tracker Iphone

Double Your Returns in 2020 (with this simple trick)

This is the time of year for making “New Year’s resolutions.”

Perhaps you’re resolving to get to the gym more often, or to quit a bad habit.

Well, this year, we’d like to help you make a different type of resolution:

We’d like to help you get your portfolio into…

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Tags: 2020 Profits

Silicon Valley is Dead (and why that's GREAT news for you)

KKR is one of the most successful investors in the world.

It’s best known for its $25 billion leveraged buyout of RJR Nabisco.

But nowadays, with $208 billion in assets under management, it’s involved in every type of investment under the sun — from energy to infrastructure to real estate.

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Tags: Kkr Silicon valley

Can Netflix Cure Medical Issues?

The Weirdest Gadgets From CES

From an air-conditioned baseball cap to “smart” pajamas, check out the best (and strangest) gadgets from CES 2020 »

Billionaire Seeks Companion for Trip of a Lifetime

Entrepreneur Yusaku Maezawa is seeking a “special someone” to enjoy the billionaire lifestyle. For starters, that includes…

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Tags: Ces Netflix

Crypto Comeback in 2020?

It’s been two years since the crypto bear market set in.

Since then, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and thousands of smaller coins are down 90% or more.

But this market has stabilized lately, and many are predicting that 2020 will be a turning point to the upside.

On the other hand, many…

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Tags: 2020 Crypto

How To Make 1,000% Returns from our Battle with China

China is killing us.

In 1990, it produced less than 3% of the world’s manufacturing output. By 2015, that number had increased to nearly 25%.

Today it produces about 90% of the world’s computers, 70% of its mobile phones, and 63% of its shoes.

But now the Chinese government is…

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Tags: China Robots

Alexa Wants To See You in the Shower

You Could Save Lives… By Being Spied On

Researchers at MIT believe your smartphone holds the key to stopping the spread of infectious disease. You just need to give up your privacy. Are you willing? »

#1 Way To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Researchers recently studied 23 techniques…

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Tags: Alexa Vacation homes