Buying Opportunity of the Decade

Every decade or so, a new bull market emerges…

And for investors who get the timing right, great fortunes are made.

It happened in the late 90s during the dot-com era, and it happened again in the 2000s with bank stocks.

You might think the key is getting in “early,”…

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Tags: Bear market Cryptocurrencies

Crypto discovery of a lifetime…

Yesterday, Matt told you about a discovery we recently made.

It involves a closely guarded secret in the crypto markets — something we’re calling “The Shadow Market.”

This is unlike anything we’ve seen before.

You see, this underground market is consistently helping a small group of “crypto insiders” earn enormous…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Shadow market

EXPOSED: Crypto "Shadow Market"

Most investors have been singing the “crypto blues” lately, but not us.

You see, after a far-reaching investigation — one that took us around the world and lasted months — we discovered an extraordinary strategy for investing in crypto-currencies.

And by using this strategy, we’ve been able to make a…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Shadow market

Affordable Medication Is On The Way

A Miracle Device for New Parents

Babies cry — a lot. But this futuristic monitor can give exhausted moms and dads a much-needed hand. Learn more here »

New iPhone Design Is Terrifying

Apple revealed its latest iPhone this week. Some consumers seem to like the phone’s new look.…

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Tags: Aliens Iphone

3 Secrets to Profit from Crashing Cryptos

There’s no sugarcoating it:

The crypto market has been dropping like a rock.

And as Matt explained yesterday, even though the fundamentals behind cryptos are actually getting stronger, this bear market could linger for quite some time.

But here’s the thing:

You can still make money in a bear market!

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Tags: Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies

Cryptos Set for Comeback this Year?

One of the most hated assets in the world right now is crypto-currencies — and with good reason:

Over the past 18 months or so, the crypto market has collapsed by 80% or more.

But surprisingly, a group of “insiders” is still pouring money into this market.

Are they blindly…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Jp morgan

This Blood Test Reveals When You're Going to Die

“I was fired for not shoveling my sidewalk”

Imagine getting arrested because you didn’t shovel your sidewalk. Or being banned from riding the subway because you watched too much TV. Sounds crazy, but a “Social Credit System” like this is already in place in China. And now it’s coming…

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Tags: Facebook Jeff bezos

Trump Set to Ignite Crypto Bull Market?

Whatever you think about our current administration, one thing is sure:

President Trump is certainly taking an active role in American business activities!

From his trade war with China to his public pleas to the Fed to lower interest rates, Trump is doing everything in his power to support big…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies President trump

Be a terrible investor… and still triple your money

September is going to be a BIG month for IPOs.

Peloton, the exercise company, is slated to go public at an $8 billion valuation.

And WeWork, the shared-workspace company, could IPO at a $50 billion valuation. At that level, angels who invested when it was just a tiny startup could…

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Tags: Ipo boom Startups