How to Survive the 2020 Recession

Did you see this announcement from Matt yesterday?

If not, it’s very important that you read today’s article and then click that link.

You see, as Matt explained yesterday, some of the smartest money on Wall Street is predicting a major recession in 2020. Some are comparing it to…

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Why I'm "Giving Away" $9.4 million

The world’s a mess right now — and it’s about to get worse — so here’s what we’re doing:

We’re essentially “giving away” $9.4 million to 500 people.

If you’re one of the fortunate 500, your share could be worth roughly $18,880.

Interested? If so, read on…

Recession 2020 —…

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See what I found on sale at Amazon: A cure for death!

“Alexa, Make Me Some Popcorn”

Alexa already has control over your TV, music, and thermostat. Wait until you see what this popular digital assistant is planning to cook up next »

This Bionic Eye Gives You Super Powers 

Researchers have built a bionic eye that could restore sight…

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Tags: Amazon Volkswagen

2020 Recession: How to Prepare

When it comes to making predictions, it seems like Ray Dalio never misses the mark.

For example, not only did he accurately predict the 2008 financial crisis…

But after forecasting an economic slowdown in Europe earlier this year, he made a big bet against companies in the EU — and…

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Tags: Great depression Stock market

Walmart Selling Bitcoin for $1

How Not to Rob a Bank

In 1958, Boyne Johnston got away with robbing a bank. 60 years later, he returned to the scene of his crime. Wait until you see why »

Now Amazon Delivers Trees

You’ve got a couple of choices this holiday season. First, like Clark…

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Tags: Amazon Bitcoin

Disrupted: $1.5 Trillion Market Up for Grabs

The $1.5 trillion market for alcohol is generally considered to be recession proof.

When things are good, people celebrate with a cocktail…

And when things are bad, they drink away their sorrows.

But now a major new trend is taking hold — and it’s putting the booze industry in jeopardy.

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Tags: Alcohol Food beverage-startups

Revolutionary Device Fulfills Bible Prophecy

This Technology Can Teach You How to Dance

Do you struggle to get your groove on? With the help of Artificial Intelligence, you’ll be moving like Michael Jackson in no time. Get the scoop here »

This Elevator Takes Nine Days to Reach the Top

Even at 125 miles…

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Tags: Marijuana Space