Finding a Needle in the Cyber-Security Haystack

Company Information



Security Software


Strasburg, VA

When it comes to cyber security, the good guys can’t keep up with the bad ones.

An estimated seventy-five percent of cyber attacks are more sophisticated than the anti-viral software employed to prevent them. That’s a big reason why the annual cost of cybercrime worldwide is projected to surpass thirteen trillion dollars by 2028.

Targeting this market, along with the global malware-analysis market (projected to reach nearly twenty-five billion dollars by 2027) is CYBR, a security company using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to “find a needle in the cyber haystack.”

Essentially, CYBR employs a new, AI-integrated approach to cyber defense, one that recognizes previously unseen malware before it exploits existing vulnerabilities. It also implements standardized life-cycle services that address potentially risky procedures and operations.

In the words of CYBR, this software is the strongest cyber security defense for government agencies and corporate enterprises. But don’t just take the company’s word for it. Here’s what Chad Fulgham, former Chief Information Officer of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has to say…

“[CYBR] is a forward-thinking, disruptive technology… this specialized threat and assessment solution is a must-have for any government, commercial, education, and non-profit.”

CYBR’s technology is marketed in the form of its software called CYBRscan, which employs AI and machine learning to more effectively identify and prevent threats.

This technology relies on graphics processing units (GPUs) rather than computer processing units (CPUs), creating faster processing times. It also detects elements of what’s known as polymorphic malware, a type of malicious code that constantly changes its identifiable features in order to evade detection. And it’s supported and equipped with patentable, proprietary technology and algorithms.

CYBR makes money through sales of CYBRscan, its flagship product. The company has attracted notable customers such as Raytheon, General Dynamics, and Lockheed Martin. Additionally, CYBR generates revenue through sales of services. The company has an extensive pipeline that includes support for multi-million-dollar contracts with customers.

To be clear, CYBR isn’t the only security game in town. There are more than 1,000 cyber-software solutions in the U.S. alone. But this company’s technology is more effective for two primary reasons:

CYBRscan focuses on identifying circumventive malicious code, typically missed by current safeguards.

And the technology is architected to detect polymorphic malware anywhere on a network, no matter how large or small — and regardless of file type or language.

CYBR is a profitable business and is cash positive. Current sales are contracted for at least the next three years.

In 2025, CYBR aims to increase its customer pipeline to $100 million in value and establish partnerships throughout the Middle East, UK, and Northern Africa. By Q3 2025, CYBR aims to reach target revenue of more than twelve million dollars in U.S. cyber-security contracts alone. And by Q4 2025, the company aims to be listed on the Nasdaq.

Team Background

George Datesman - Advisor

In addition to his role with CYBR, George is President of Datesman Consulting Group, his own consulting business. Before that, he spent fourteen years as a senior manager with Noblis, a security company, where he managed a program of cyber-security and identity-management consulting services to federal, state, and local government agencies.

He earned a Ph.D. in Educational Administration from the University of East Georgia.

Wilson Cochran - President & CEO

Prior to starting CYBR, Wilson founded Quote3, an online platform that helps streamline the construction-equipment rental process. Before that, he was a sales specialist with Sunbelt Rentals, a company renting construction equipment.

He studied Psychology at Ferrum College.


$5 million
$55.675K (1%)
Current Valuation
$14 million Cap / 0% Discount
Min. Investment
Deal Type
Title III
(For all investors)
Offering Type
Finance History
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