LEAKED: Startup Profits Revealed

How much money could you potentially earn by investing in startups?

Well, if you’re a longtime reader here, you’ve seen countless studies on the returns you could have made in the private startup market.

But what about real-world numbers? In other words, actual profits that came from startup investments over…

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Warning: Please Avoid this $35 billion IPO

This Thursday, a new IPO is coming.

Its revenues are surging. It’s riding many of today’s biggest trends. And in an unusual twist, regular investors like you can actually get shares in it.

Clearly you should invest in it, right?


Today, I’ll explain why — then I’ll tell you…

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Your Chance to Say "I QUIT!"

Imagine walking into work tomorrow, looking your boss in the eye, and saying…


Then you could head home, kick up your feet, and start enjoying retirement!

And here’s the best part:

Your bills are paid, and you could care less whether the market is going up or down.

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Tags: Income Retiring

URGENT: Retirement Crisis

In his article last week, Wayne addressed a frightening situation in America today:

The retirement crisis.

As he explained, even if you have a nest-egg saved up — and even if you have time before you retire — two threats are about to destroy your plans:

The first threat is…

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Tags: Income Retirement

This Simple Trick Keeps Away Intruders

Amazon Buys a Piece of Facebook

Amazon just acquired one of Facebook’s side businesses. But it didn’t buy it to get into the social media business. It’s shooting higher with its aspirations. Get the scoop here »

A Second Life for Startups

Remember Theranos, Coolest Cooler, or Juicero? These…

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Tags: Amazon Artificial intelligence

WARNING: Your Retirement is at Risk

If you’re close to 50 years old (or older), you need to read this immediately…

Because your retirement is in jeopardy.

This isn’t about you retiring on time. This is about you not being able to retire at all.

But it’s not too late to act…

As you’ll learn today,…

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Tags: Income Retirement

AI Catches Government Officials Red-Handed

In 10 Years, You Won’t Own Anything

A 2016 prediction envisioned a futuristic world where we own nothing. Instead, everything we need is rented on-demand, and delivered instantly by drones. As it turns out, that future is getting close. Learn more »

My Nose Is Freezing

Cryonics, the practice…

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Tags: Ai Cryptos

I hope this market crashes…

It’s a scary time to be in stocks right now.

Although the economy seems to be bouncing back from the pandemic, stocks are swinging violently — and everyone from CNBC to MarketWatch is warning of trouble on the horizon.

In fact, it’s not difficult to imagine a scenario where stock…

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Tags: Startups Stock market