Trump Hands Tiny Startup a $344 Billion Monopoly

Love him or hate him, President Trump has made some bold moves this year to help millions of blue-collar Americans.

From renegotiating NAFTA so autoworkers earn a minimum of $16 per hour, to slapping China with tariffs to help boost U.S. manufacturing, Trump puts America first.

And now, in his…

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Tags: Miracle dust President trump

A Spoonful of this "Miracle Dust" Could Change Your Life

Last week, we showed you some of the “winners and losers” of Trump’s trade war.

But trade wars are like a game of chess, and the tactics being used today (like tariffs, for example) are just a first move.

There’s a bigger strategy at work here — a strategy meant…

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Tags: America Steel

The "Losers" of Trump's Trade War

Want to make money from Trump’s trade war?

It’s easy to do… you just need to separate the “winners” from the “losers.”

You see, Trump’s new tariffs will impact a huge number of companies and industries. Some will benefit, but others will get crushed.

If you’re looking to profit from…

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Tags: President trump Trade war

Wow — Buffett's NEVER Done This Before!

Warren Buffett just shocked the financial world with his latest investment.

No one saw this coming…

That’s because in Buffett’s seventy-year career, he’s never made an investment like this before.

Today, I’ll reveal all the details…

Including why he made this investment, and how you can get in on the…

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Tags: Later stage-company Warren buffett

5 Unexpected Sectors Being Transformed by Marijuana

As medical marijuana goes mainstream, it’s disrupting the $2.8 trillion healthcare market.

But thanks to some of the lesser-known attributes of the cannabis plant, it’s set to impact other massive markets, too.

For investors, this could mean billions of dollars in new profit opportunities.

So today, I’ll introduce you to…

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Tags: Marijuana Medical marijuana

My No 1. Trick for Earning Guaranteed IPO Profits

The Wall Street Journal reported some big news last week:

Slack, the popular messaging app, is about to go public.

In case you’ve never heard of Slack, here’s what you need to know:

Its IPO will be one of the most valuable public offerings of the last decade.

And given…

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Tags: Ipo Private investing

How to Survive the 2020 Recession

Did you see this announcement from Matt yesterday?

If not, it’s very important that you read today’s article and then click that link.

You see, as Matt explained yesterday, some of the smartest money on Wall Street is predicting a major recession in 2020. Some are comparing it to…

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Why I'm "Giving Away" $9.4 million

The world’s a mess right now — and it’s about to get worse — so here’s what we’re doing:

We’re essentially “giving away” $9.4 million to 500 people.

If you’re one of the fortunate 500, your share could be worth roughly $18,880.

Interested? If so, read on…

Recession 2020 —…

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