2020 Recession: How to Prepare

When it comes to making predictions, it seems like Ray Dalio never misses the mark.

For example, not only did he accurately predict the 2008 financial crisis…

But after forecasting an economic slowdown in Europe earlier this year, he made a big bet against companies in the EU — and…

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Tags: Great depression Stock market

Disrupted: $1.5 Trillion Market Up for Grabs

The $1.5 trillion market for alcohol is generally considered to be recession proof.

When things are good, people celebrate with a cocktail…

And when things are bad, they drink away their sorrows.

But now a major new trend is taking hold — and it’s putting the booze industry in jeopardy.

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Tags: Alcohol Food beverage-startups

Your Backdoor to ICO Profits

Last week, I told you about an extremely lucrative secret…

It’s a way to make money — over and over again — with cryptos.

The secret is an Initial Coin Offering, or ICO for short.

ICOs have led to some of the most profitable crypto trades of the past two…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Ico

FAA Ready to Grant Tiny Start-up $127 Billion Monopoly

Picture this…

You order a few things from Amazon (some lightbulbs and batteries, maybe some cookies), and just ten minutes later, you get a notification that your delivery has arrived.

So you step out your front door, look up — and there, hovering like a metallic hummingbird, is a flying…

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Tags: Amazon Drones

Could This Start-up Put Elon Musk in the Poor House?

Elon Musk, the high-profile founder and CEO of Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA), is worth an estimated $20 billion…

But we just discovered a tiny start-up that could leave him flat broke!

This is bad news for Musk — but it’s fantastic news for investors like you and me.

Let me explain…

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Tags: Satellite Space

Turn $1,000 into $4 Million With One Real Estate Deal?

The Wall Street Journal just did a story about a remarkable real estate investment…

If you’d gotten in on this deal, in just eight years, you’d have turned every $1,000 you invested into $4 million.

That’s an annual profit of about 182% per year.

That would be an amazing return…

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Tags: Profits Wework

Google's Giving Away $3 Billion!

Investment bank Morgan Stanley just did something very peculiar:

It told Google to give away one of its “smart speakers” to everyone in America — for free.

The cost of this giveaway? About $3 billion.

For the last hundred years, CEOs from top companies have relied on Morgan Stanley not…

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Tags: Google Smart speakers