Three Ways to Cash in on Cannabis Right Now

Wayne was a tease in his article last week:

He showed you why right now is the time to make a fortune in legal marijuana…

But he didn’t tell you where to look for investment opportunities.

So today I’ll pick up where he left off:

Without further ado, here are…

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Tags: Marijuana investing

Marijuana 2017: The "Green Gold Rush"

In 1996, California became the first U.S. state to legalize medical marijuana…

And stock market pundits have been predicting huge profits for pot investors ever since.

The thing is, those pundits were way too early:

Between the uncertain legal climate and conflicting public opinion, the industry just wasn’t ready for…

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Tags: Marijuana Pot stocks

These nuns are SMOKING...

Have you heard the one about the five nuns?

So there were these five nuns living in California…

They seemed like perfectly ordinary nuns. They did their rituals, their blessings, their vows—everything.

There was just one thing about them that was a bit odd:

Behind their abbey, right in their…

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Tags: Marijuana investing

Alert: High-Flying New Investment Sector

On a recent afternoon, about 100 miles north of San Francisco, a small object could be seen flying above a crystal clear lake.

But it wasn’t a bird or a plane. It was a bit more unusual than that:

It was a flying car!

As The New York Times reported,…

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Tags: Kitty hawk

Get Paid To Eat at Your Favorite Restaurant

Last Saturday night, I went out with old friends to a classic downtown restaurant called Alta.

Alta specializes in Spanish “tapas”—small plates that are meant to be shared.

As always, Alta was packed, and over a few pitchers of sangria we started fantasizing about how amazing it would be to…

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Tags: Revenue sharing-deals

Don't Fall for This Wall Street Scam

We’re going to play a game today…

It’s based on the TV game show, Let’s Make a Deal.

I’ll present you with a deal, and you decide if you’ll take it.

Ready? OK, here’s the deal:

Send me $10,000, and over the next few years, I’ll invest it for you.

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Tags: Mutual funds Retirement

Better Than Bitcoin: 251% Profits in a Month

Last month, I published an article about bitcoin…

In particular, I explained that bitcoin had just reached an important milestone:

For the first time in its history, it had become more valuable than gold.

But in that same article, I told you how you might be able to cash in…

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Tags: Bitcoin Ethereum

How the Ultra-Rich Make 1,000% Returns

In the early 2000s, The Oakland A’s baseball team did something unexpected:

It started winning.

The reason for its success? It used computer models to build the right team.

No more scouting for talent based on intuition. No more bias against pitchers who threw funny or looked funny. And no…

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Tags: Alternative investments

A Dead Simple Solution for a Better Retirement

In our articles last week, Wayne and I opened up a big can of worms:

The retirement crisis.

As we showed you, the average retiree has next to nothing saved for retirement...

And nearly half of all Americans have nothing saved at all.

But now that we’ve identified the problem,…

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Tags: Retirement

Is Bitcoin Gold 2.0?

Last Friday marked a major milestone for bitcoin investors.

Not only did the digital currency reach an all-time high of $1,293 (a 313% increase in just 12 months)...

But for the first time ever, bitcoin became more valuable than one of the most stable and valuable commodities in the world:…

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Tags: Bitcoin Ether Ethereum