The Next Harley Davidson?

James Dean had one.

So did Peter Fonda in “Easy Rider.”

And so do all the Hells Angels today

I'm referring, of course, to the coolest thing on two wheels:


But now an innovative start-up is creating a new kind of motorcycle—

And as you’re about to learn,…

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Tags: Indicators Valuation

Three "Smart Money" Investments

Historically, venture investors have focused on one primary sector:


Sure, what it means to “invest in tech” has changed over time…

In the 60s, for example, it meant backing the makers of silicon chips, whereas today it might mean backing drone start-ups, or artificial intelligence companies…

But tech is…

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Tags: Cb insights Food beverage-start-ups

Marijuana Goes Mainstream

Last week, I received an e-mail from the Chief Market Strategist at Convergex, one of the most well-respected financial technology firms in the country.

The topic of the e-mail?

Marijuana Investments.

Matt and I have been writing about this trend for a while now...

However, when a firm like this…

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Tags: Marijuana Marijuana investing Pot stocks

Our Upcoming Battle with China

China is killing us.

In 1990, it produced less than 3% of the world’s manufacturing output.

By 2015, that number had increased to nearly 25%.

Today it produces about 90% of the world’s computers, 70% of its mobile phones, and 63% of its shoes.

But now the Chinese government is…

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Tags: China Robots

Trump-care 2.0

If President Trump follows through on his promises, the Affordable Care Act could disappear in 2017.

For some, this will be a welcomed change. Between soaring premiums and high deductibles, many believe that “Obamacare” is deeply flawed.

For others, however, Obamacare has been a godsend.

Under the program, 22 million…

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Tags: Donald trump Obamacare Technology

My #1 Secret To IPO Profits

2017 is shaping up to be a big year for technology IPOs.

You may have heard about potential IPOs for Snapchat, Spotify and Uber, and now dozens of other start-ups have become IPO contenders, too.

It might be tempting to invest in these IPOs, but should you?

You might not…

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Tags: Gsvc Sharespost 100-fund

Playing for Profits

I saw the first Star Wars movie 40 years ago and got hooked instantly.

Ever since then, every few years or so, I wait in line to see the latest installment.

But over the holiday weekend, as I watched Rogue One, I started thinking about how much the movie industry…

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Tags: Mobile gaming Video games