[Forecast] 98% Chance of Profits

From June 2014 to June 2015, the biotechnology sector was on fire…

In just 12 months, the NASDAQ Biotech Index (NBI) soared by 53%.

The next year, however, wasn’t nearly as lucrative:

From June 2015 up until today, the NBI plummeted by about 25%. Essentially, it gave back all its…

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Tags: Biotech

Avoiding the "Oh, S#*t!" Investment

There’s an expression in the private markets…

It’s called the “Oh, S#*t!” moment.

As one prominent investor described it, “That’s when you learn all sorts of things that you wish you’d known [before] writing a company that first check.”

In other words, it’s when you realize you shouldn’t…

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Tags: Due diligence Kauffman study

High Times for Pot Investments?

Over the coming years, very few sectors are expected to grow at triple-digit rates...

But a major exception seems to be the marijuana industry.

By 2020, industry analysts at Ackrell Capital predict that the market for legal marijuana will grow by more than 500%—making it a $25 billion market.


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Tags: Marijuana Marijuana start-ups Pot stocks

Get Paid to Get Drunk?

There are plenty of ways to make a buck in this world:

Hard work. Smart investing. Or even just good luck.

But here’s an alternative I bet you haven’t considered:

Drinking moonshine.

Let me show you how it’s done.

Forget Going “High Tech”

Last week, Title III of the JOBS…

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Tags: Low tech Startengine Title iii

[Video] This Robot Is Made of Meat

You rely on Crowdability to bring you the best deals. Now, rely on us to share the most up-to-date news, trends and opinion. You won’t find this stuff in the mainstream press. Look for it every Friday morning.

Congressional Hopeful Shares Porn With Voters

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Tags: Congress Internet Robots Technology

A Look Behind The Profit Curtain

For the last few weeks, we’ve been showing you how early-stage investing can lead to extraordinary financial returns...

Early investors in Uber, for example, made 40,000% in just two years.

But we also explained that you can’t expect every investment to be like Uber…

To protect your downside and set…

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Tags: The jobs-act Title iii

Three Start-Ups You Can Invest in Now

Game on.

After 83 years of being forced to sit on the sidelines, every U.S. citizen is now legally allowed to invest in start-ups.

It doesn’t matter how much you earn…

And it doesn’t matter how much you’re worth…

Thanks to a new law that went live two days ago,…

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Tags: Title iii