Profit From 2016's First Tech IPO

An exciting milestone was crossed last week:

2016’s first tech IPO of the year.

This is a big deal. It sets the tone for the IPO market for the remainder of the year.

A “hot” IPO means a conga line of other companies will try to IPO, too…

And a…

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Tags: Ipo

Prices Down 20% - Time To Buy

Three weeks ago, I wrote to you with a bold prediction:

Based on over three decades of research, I explained why right now is one of the best times to start investing in the private markets.

As it turns out, we’re already seeing evidence that this prediction was accurate...


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Tags: Dave mcclure Prediction

How to Spot "The Next Big Thing"

Imagine if you’d gotten in early on Apple...

Or Facebook...

Or more recently, Uber or Airbnb.

None of these companies seemed so mind-blowing when they were getting started—in fact, many of them seemed silly.

But each went on to return millions (or in some cases, billions) of dollars in profits…

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Tags: Clayton christensen

Did You Make 1,011% in 6 Months?

General Motors just acquired a tiny start-up for $1 billion.

In the blink of an eye, the start-up’s investors made more than 10 times their money.

Some of these investors were ordinary folks just like you.

Actually… were you one of them?

Cruisin’ to the Bank

The name of this…

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Tags: Angellist syndicate Gil penchina