Warning: Your Retirement is at Risk

If you’re close to 50 years old (or older), you need to read this immediately…

That’s because your retirement is in jeopardy.

Not only may you not be able to retire on time, but you may not be able to retire at all.

But it’s not too late to act…

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Tags: Retirement Social security

17,750 Ways to Profit from the Weather

The only reliable thing about a weather forecast is that it’s 100% unreliable.

Until now!

Backed by a $7 million investment from SoftBank, a team of former military officers from Harvard and MIT is turning weather forecasting on its end with a first of its kind “weather-tech” company.

It’s called…

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Tags: Micro cap Weather

Hackers Can Turn off Your Car — While You're Driving It

VIDEO: Tesla Explodes in Parking Garage

Elon Musk has claimed that Tesla will soon become one of the hottest cars in the world. This probably wasn’t what he had in mind. Ka-boom! »

Basketball… Football… Soccer… Speedgate?

A new sport was just designed by using Artificial Intelligence. It…

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Tags: Airbnb Tesla

Prediction: Marijuana will NEVER be legal…

I might get some “hate mail” after people read this, but it needs to be said…

Most Wall Street analysts believe the federal government is about to legalize marijuana throughout the U.S. And millions of investors agree with them.

But we believe they’re all DEAD WRONG.

Today, I’ll explain why,…

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Tags: Marijuana Micro cap

Revealed: Backdoor "Pot Stock" Profit Opportunity

Last week, we revealed that Crowdability just started covering micro-cap investments.

As we explained, micro-caps are a rare kind of publicly traded stock:

The kind that give you the chance to pocket big profits fast. And to show you what we mean, we shared several examples of micro-caps that…

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Tags: Marijuana Micro cap

100% Profits in 4 Weeks

In yesterday’s article, we showed you why micro-caps are so powerful:

Not only can they help you earn enormous returns, but they can also lower your risk!

But today, I’ll reveal another key benefit of investing in micro-caps.

As you’ll see, this benefit could help you earn triple-digit profits fast.

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Tags: Micro cap Profits

This Single "Tweak" Could Boost Your Profits by 851%

What if I told you that a single “tweak” to your portfolio could increase your profits by 851%?

You’d probably be a little suspicious.

Then, what if I told you that this tweak could reduce your risk, too?

Now you’d really be suspicious. But stick with me…

Because today, I’ll…

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Tags: Lower risk Micro cap