The No. 1 Way to Make Money in a Gold Rush

One of my mentors on Wall Street always had a clever expression at hand.

For example, anytime a new bull market would emerge, he’d say:

“Wayne, whenever there’s a ‘gold rush,’ you don’t want to invest in a gold mine — you want to own the whole damn mountain!”


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Tags: Note Republic

Wall Street’s "IPO Conspiracy" Revealed

Wall Street is playing a dangerous game right now…

And if you don’t know the rules, you could lose a fortune.

You see, Wall Street just kicked off 2019’s “IPO season.”  This year’s offerings include Uber, Pinterest, and Palantir — some of the most exciting tech companies in the world.

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Tags: Ipo Wall street

Retire On One Investment

Editor’s Note: Wayne is traveling abroad this week, doing research on new investment opportunities in the cannabis industry. So today, we’ll be re-publishing a popular article from our archives. This is a natural follow-up to Matt’s article from yesterday — where he explained why the biggest investment profits go to…

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Tags: Investing Retirement

The Easiest Way to Guarantee IPO Profits

Last Friday was a big day for investors…

It was IPO day for Lyft, the ride-sharing company.

This was one of the most anticipated financial events in recent history. It was expected to make many investors very, very rich.

So today, I’ll show you what happened (spoiler alert: it didn’t…

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Tags: Ipo Lyft

Earn $19,000 While You Sleep

The CEO of Apple Hates His iPhone

The newest gizmos and gadgets used to be reserved for the super-rich. But surprisingly, wealthy consumers today are starting to boycott these devices. Click here to find out why »

Facebook Owes You Money

Tech giants like Facebook work hard to get…

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Tags: Facebook Nasa

The Not-So-Obvious "Weed" Investment

Forget bingo or shuffleboard...

For many senior citizens today, the leisure activity of choice is taking a field trip to the local marijuana dispensary.

“It’s like the ultimate senior experience,” says Ron Atkin, a 76-year-old retired beauty products distributor.

I’m not pulling your leg here as part of an early…

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Tags: Marijuana Seniors

Did Trump Just Legalize Weed for the Entire Country?

Republicans and Democrats alike are singing President Trump’s praises thanks to a new bill he recently signed into law.

With the stroke of a pen, Trump transformed a tiny corner of the marijuana market into a thriving, multi-billion-dollar industry.

And not only could this action directly impact thousands of marijuana…

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Tags: Marijuana President trump