The Hottest Market for M&A in 2018?

When I was growing up, my mom would wake up early to brew a big pot of coffee.

She used an old-school, stove-top percolator — one of the big ones that could make about five or six cups of coffee. But here’s the thing:

Because she and my dad were…

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Tags: Coffee Ma

My "Hair of the Dog" Profit Strategy

Monday was a “hair of the dog” kind of day.

It was the first day of 2018, and my wife and I had been out late the night before drinking whiskey and champagne.

“Hair of the dog” refers to having a drink or two to lessen the effects of a…

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Tags: Alcohol Vodka

Tacos (and Profits) Delivered

Paul McCartney’s still got it.

I saw his “One on One” tour a few months back. And I’ll tell you, at 75-years-old, this guy can still rock-n-roll.

I saw the show at the Barclays Center, in Brooklyn. Barclays is an impressive venue — not just for hearing music, but for…

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Tags: Concessions Mobile

My #1 Pick for "Direct Profits"

2017 was a big year for me:

I finally admitted I was getting “old” and needed reading glasses.

But when the time came, I didn’t get an expensive pair of Ralph Lauren or Prada glasses from my local LensCrafters.

Instead, I went to an online eyewear company called Warby Parker.

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Tags: Direct to-consumer Google

Your $50 Billion Toy Box

Toys are big business:

In the U.S. alone, families spend $50 billion a year on them.

Unfortunately, more than half of those toys are duds:

Kids either get bored with them quickly, or don’t like them at all — which means billions of dollars of toys end up gathering dust…

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Tags: Sharing economy Toys

Bitcoin Billionaires

It’s official — someone has officially become a billionaire by investing in Bitcoin.

Actually, it wasn’t just one person, it was two:

The Winklevoss twins.

If you saw the movie The Social Network, you might already be familiar with them.

Allegedly, they came up with the idea for Facebook —…

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Tags: Bitcoin Initial coin-offering

Your Profits: Off to the Races!

Don’t know what to get that special someone for the holidays?

Not to worry.

I’m about to tell you about an insanely unique gift idea.

Not only could it warm the heart of someone you love…

But it could also put some extra cash in their pocket!

And They’re Off!

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Tags: Horse racing Investing advice

This Start-up Built a "Time Machine"

If you could travel back in time, what would you do?

I’d go hear Jimi Hendrix play live…

Then I’d stop by Wrigley Field for the 1932 World Series and wait for one of Babe Ruth’s most famous homeruns…

Then I’d sit at the southern tip of Manhattan and take…

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Tags: Owlized Virtual reality

This common condition could be killing you...

On my flight home from California a few weeks ago, I struck up a conversation with a friendly, bearded guy sitting next to me.

He was very talkative — until he had a few beers and fell asleep.

Then he started snoring, choking, and gasping for air, which attracted the…

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Tags: Cpap Sleep apnea