Drug Enforcement Agency Begins Selling Drugs?

The Drug Enforcement Agency — or, DEA for short — is the federal agency tasked with arresting and prosecuting the most notorious drug dealers in the world…

However, in a recent Federal Register filing, we’ve discovered that the DEA may be switching sides:

Instead of continuing to stamp out drugs…

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Tags: Dea Pot start-ups

The Perfect Pot Investment

As we’ve been showing you for the last few weeks, right now is the time for investors like you to make a fortune in legal marijuana.

But there’s a major question you still need to answer:

What exactly should you invest in?

After all, from “penny pot…

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Tags: Marijuana Pot start-ups

Get in BEFORE this pot stock goes public...

The investment world got the surprise of a lifetime this year.

You see, at the end of each year, a global analytics firm called Preqin compiles data on the performance of more than 10,000 hedge funds.

Its goal is to identify the top-performing fund for the year, and then determine…

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Tags: Pot start-ups Preqin

Do NOT Buy a Single Pot Stock Until You Read This...

Yesterday, Matt showed you some of the extraordinary gains investors have been making in small-cap pot stocks.

You see, thanks to new legislation that’s legalizing marijuana for medical and recreational use, billions of dollars have been flooding into this industry.

But today I want to take a step back...


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Tags: Marijuana Penny pot-stocks

Penny Pot Stock Millionaires

Last Wednesday, I sent you a light-hearted article about the Top-10 "Marijuana Movies."

The following day, Wayne explored a far more serious topic:

He looked at how medical marijuana is increasingly being used to treat debilitating diseases like chronic pain and cancer.

The thing is, whether marijuana is being used…

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Tags: Marijuana Penny pot-stocks

[POLL] Should marijuana be legal?

If you had the power to snap your fingers and legalize marijuana in all 50 states…

Would you do it?

Before you decide — and before you cast your vote at the end of today’s essay — I’d like to bring you up to speed on the latest research around…

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Tags: Marijuana Medical marijuana

$57 Million in Crypto Profits

Holy smokes…

Bitcoin just hit $5,700, a record high.

That’s up from its price of $4,200 last week…

$3,300 last month…

And $600 last year.

Early investors are making millions… and in some cases, hundreds of millions.

Today I’ll look at a handful of these lucky investors…

Then I’ll show…

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Tags: Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies

$600 Million in Organic Profits

A few days ago, Kellogg’s — the company behind iconic brands like Fruit Loops, Frosted Flakes and Pop-Tarts — gobbled up a tiny start-up for $600 million.

The start-up’s name is RXBAR.

RXBAR makes protein bars with no added sugar, and no dairy, soy, or gluten.

Based on those ingredients,…

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Tags: Food beverage-start-ups Organic food

New "Crypto-Fund" Delivers 540% Returns

2017 has been a stellar year for Bitcoin investors…

Since January, the world’s best-known crypto-currency is up 340%.

But a different crypto investment is up 540% this year.

The thing is, this other investment wasn’t just more profitable — it was also safer.

Today I’ll tell you everything you need…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Mutual funds